





招聘 & Retention Liaison, Lecturer

Galvano马特奥说 is 招聘 & Retention Liaison and Lecturer in Foundations at The 学校 of 艺术与设计. Galvano holds a MFA and BFA in Studio Art and a Certificate of Museum Studies from Ohio University. Galvano’s multimedia studio and exhibition practice reflects a position of experimentation with ideas and presentation strategies. Primarily engaged with abstract painting, Galvano uses drawing, 雕塑, 数字艺术, 写作, 移动图像, 声音, and installation to foment conceptual themes that inform the images and objects he makes. Galvano’s work has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions, and is included in national and international private collections. Recent awards include residency fellowships at Jentel Foundation, Willapa Bay AiR, and Ucross Foundation.

To learn more, visit www.mateogalvano.com