
Erin Shevaugn Schlumpf

Erin Shevaugn Schlumpf

Assistant Professor of 电影 Studies

Erin Shevaugn Schlumpf is Assistant Professor of 电影 Studies at newbb电子平台. Her research focuses on aesthetic responses to trauma: how film and literary form are imprinted by past disasters. Her current book manuscript, “忧郁, 矛盾心理, Exhaustion: National Trauma and Global Postmodernism,” uses case studies from Post-Occupation France and Post-Tiananmen Square China to reveal a shared language of trauma, an imaginative reckoning with the past in the present. Erin Shevaugn Schlumpf's courses examine how image and text interrogate national, 种族, 性别, and sexual identity politics. She has previously held teaching positions at Seattle University, Simon Fraser University, and Harvard University.


  • Assistant Professor, 电影 Studies, 2018 - Present, newbb电子平台
  • 访问ing Assistant Professor, 电影 Studies, 2015 - 2018, newbb电子平台
  • Lecturer, 电影 Studies, 2014 - 2015, Seattle University
  • Lecturer, World Literature, 2012 - 2014, Simon Fraser University
  • Graduate Teaching Fellow, 2007 - 2010, Harvard University


  • “Historical Melancholy, Feminine Allegory.” differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Critique, 27.3, 2016.
  • “Notre musique: Juste une conversation.” A Companion to Jean-Luc Godard. Ed. 汤姆·康利和T. 杰斐逊克莱恩. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.
  • “Intermediality, Translation, Comparative Literature, and World Literature.” CLCWeb:Comparative Literature and Culture, 13.3, 2011.
  • “Tsi-Nan-Fu: Sinophone Spells in Fritz Lang’s Dr. 斯皮勒先生." Under review for anthology titled, Mabuse Sourcebook.
  • Book Review: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, An Aesthetic Education in the Era of Globalization. Situations: Cultural Studies in the East Asian Context, 7.2, 2014.


  • 电影研究I
  • 电影史一
  • Border Crossings in 电影

Educational Background:

M.A./Ph.D., Comparative Literature (电影 Studies Minor), Harvard University B.A., Comparative Literature, Dartmouth College