


Professor of Instruction, Head, BFA Performance, 发脾气剧院 Director of Education

丽贝卡VerNooy is a movement theatre artist, actress and educator. Her early solo work was produced at Dixon Place, P.S. 122 and the Judson Church. She was the Artistic Director of VerNooy 跳舞 Theatre from 1995 – 2006, developing and performing original work at Ensemble Studio Theatre, 舞剧工作坊, Joyce Soho and many other NY venues. 她的独角戏, 跨越时间, premiered at The United Solo Festival in NY (November, 2012), and won the award for “best movement”. 其他 solo shows include Sink or Swim (2001) and Our Father(1998), both premiered at Ensemble Studio 剧院.

Ms. VerNooy has spent twenty years creating her own brand of physical theatre and facilitating workshops designed to generate new theatrical work. She ran the Intern Program and an 代理/Writing Lab at E.S.T. 从1996年到2001年, directing and producing over a dozen evenings of new work by emerging theatre artists.

Her most recent plays include Here, Somewhere(2014) and Elbows off the Table (2015). She annually devises a new work with newbb电子平台’s Senior Studio, and has developed a piece around Modernist text (Reality Check). 她的导演成就, in addition to the over two dozen devised and new plays in development, 包括特洛伊女人, 变形记, 罗生门, and Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. As an actress, she has worked primarily on new plays and has been seen on the stages of E.S.T, HERE, and, most recently, Stuarts’ Opera House in An Appalachian Christmas Carol.

Rebecca has received grants from the Association of 剧院 Movement Educator’s Fund (2011, 2012年和2014年), newbb电子平台’s Dean’s Discretionary Fund (2011), 俄亥俄州的艺术(2008), and New York University’s Siff Grant (2006) to support her research and original performance endeavors.

She has taught Movement for Actors, 代理, and Physical Theatre at Caymichael Patten Studio, The 学校 for 电影 and Television, 纽约电影学院, Hampshire College and Rutgers University (Newark). She is a featured movement coach in "ACT NEW YORK 2005, The Actor's pocket Guide to NYC".

Rebecca is the founder of The Movement Educator’s Research Group (MERGE), a collaborative research group for movement educators across the country. She has a BA in Performance from Hampshire College and a Master’s degree from The Gallatin 学校 at New York University. She is currently a faculty member at newbb电子平台’s Theatre Division, and a founding member of Brick Monkey Theatre Ensemble.